Can You Get This Solved?

Solving riddles offers a plethora of cognitive perks. It sharpens problem-solving abilities, as each riddle is a new problem to decipher. This enhances creative thinking and lateral reasoning, stepping beyond conventional solutions.

It boosts memory and processing speed; frequent engagement with complex puzzles can improve recall and mental agility. Riddles also foster patience and perseverance, teaching us to approach problems from multiple angles. They improve concentration, compelling us to focus intently.

Socially, riddles are communal bridges, sparking interaction and shared joy in group settings. Lastly, the satisfaction of solving a riddle releases dopamine, boosting mood and motivation.

In the image below, there are some equations featuring shoes, cones, and a boy. Can you calculate their values in order to solve the final equation?

You have just 25 seconds to find the solution. We will give you a tip. Observe the image very carefully.

Can You Solve This?

Can You Solve This

The correct answer to the math puzzle:
The image presents the following equations:
Pair of shoes + Pair of shoes + Pair of shoes = 30
Boy + Boy + Pair of shoes = 20
2 cones + 2 cones + Boy = 13

By calculating, from the first equations it follows that:
Pair of shoes = 10 therefore one shoe = 5
Boy = 5
2 cones = 4 therefore one cone = 2

If you observe the image carefully, the last equation is not so simple, as there is one shoe, one cone, and the boy is wearing 2 shoes and holding 2 cones. Those who rushed to do the calculations and did not notice this detail did not find the correct answer.

So, the last equation is:
Shoe + (boy + 2 shoes + 2 cones) x cone -> 5 + (5+10+4) x 2 = 5 + 19 x 2 = 5 + 38 = 43

The correct answer is 43.

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