Only 1 out of 10 people can find the dog hiding in the picture – are you one of them?

In recent years the challenge of solving quizzes, puzzles and optical illusions has become very popular on the internet. We think it has to do with the competitive world we live in – and who doesn’t like solving a good puzzle?

At school the teachers would give us puzzles to solve in the morning and ask for the answer at the end of the day. So we had to think outside the box and in a slightly different way.

Those were a little tense times in the classroom when we would reveal the answer, everyone wanted to win!

Today, we still love challenges – for example, Sudoku puzzles, logic puzzles, or photo quizzes.

Only 1 out of 10 manages to solve this
The picture below has caused hundreds of thousands to tear hair from their head as they tried to solve it, and shared it tens of thousands of times across the net.

The picture shows an elderly man but hiding inside the picture is also a dog. The question is, can you find it? It turns out that only 1 out of 10 people manage to solve this in less than 30 seconds, so it’s not easy.

Did you find the dog? If not, here are some helpful hints. Try to find the inside parts on the person’s face that look a bit strange and then look again closely.

If it didn’t help you find the dog, maybe we can agree that his nose looks strange? You may have noticed, too, that his eyes are a bit strange and something is missing in his ear.

If you still can’t find the hiding dog, here’s the answer below.

The dog appears if you turn the picture upside down!

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