Bob McGrath, a beloved icon of the long-running children’s show Sesame Street, passed away peacefully at his home surrounded by his family. He was a pioneer of the show, having appeared in its pilot episode in 1969, and went on to be a part of forty-seven seasons. Not only was McGrath an actor on the show, but he also wrote the iconic theme song that has become synonymous with Sesame Street.
Throughout his illustrious career on Sesame Street, McGrath appeared in over 150 episodes, making him a familiar face to generations of children. He even appeared in direct-to-video movies and feature films associated with the show. His contributions to the program extended beyond acting, as he was also a talented puppeteer who used his skills to deliver educational lessons with the show’s beloved characters.
McGrath’s impact on children’s programming was immeasurable. He saw children as equals, never talking down to them, and believed in teaching them values like kindness, respect, love, and empathy. This approach resonated with viewers, and many have expressed their gratitude to him for making a major difference in their lives.
Although McGrath retired from appearing on Sesame Street in 2017, he continued to contribute behind the scenes as part of the Sesame Workshop. His dedication to educating and entertaining children remained unwavering, and he was a beloved figure both on and off-screen.
The news of McGrath’s passing has touched the hearts of many, including fellow actors and fans. Tributes poured in on social media, with people expressing their gratitude for the impact McGrath had on their lives. From teaching valuable life lessons to being a source of joy and inspiration, his legacy will continue to live on.
Bob McGrath’s final appearance for Sesame Street was in a documentary film released in 2021 called Sesame Gang: How We Got to Sesame Street. This film serves as a testament to the lasting impact of the show and the significant role that McGrath played in its success.
Bob McGrath leaves behind his wife, Ann, their three children, and five grandchildren. While he may no longer be with us, his contributions to children’s television will forever be remembered and cherished. Rest in peace, Bob McGrath, and thank you for bringing joy and education into the lives of countless children.