“Absolutely pitiful, he answered 13 questions in 3 minutes! Sad.” She followed that with a grimace.

The goal of the task was to gauge how many subtraction problems the second-graders could do. The teacher gave the students three minutes to complete them, and she watched in horror as Piland’s son, who performed the lowest in the class, was only able to complete thirteen of them.

When Piland posted the assignment’s photo online, she called Bohenek out for her hatred.

“All year long, my son, Kamdyn’s teacher, has been so nasty to him and me. I am absolutely incensed that someone would write this on a child’s work when he brings it home. Such fantastic inspiration,” he wrote next to the picture.

Piland began an internet petition in the hopes of getting the teacher fired so she could no longer abuse her authority over any other small second-grade students because he didn’t want her to get away with her crime against his kid.

Rose Minniti, the superintendent of schools, was forced to react to the indignation. She claimed that the test was disclosed to her last week and that she has already scheduled a meeting with the accused instructor to look into the charges and determine whether termination is the best course of action.

Social media won’t have an impact on the outcome of this personnel matter, according to Minniti. It will be determined by the facts and the evidence. We always strive to balance what is best for the children with what is necessary to protect the employee who is the subject of the investigation.

Since 2013, Bohenek has been employed at the elementary school. Has she already grown weary of helping the small kids? She certainly seems to be through with it based on the appearance of her response.