World’s ‘Hairiest Girl’ Shaves It All Off After Meeting Her Soulmate, Here’s How She Looks After

Note: we are republishing this story which originally made the news in January 2018.

Supatra ‘Natty’ Susuphan, a 17-year-old once famously dubbed ‘The World’s Hairiest Girl,’ has revealed her transformation and newfound love. She’s chosen to shave her face and embrace a fresh chapter in her life.

Hailing from Bangkok, Thailand, Natty has been captivating social media with pictures alongside her beloved husband, celebrating their union. Her story is marked by her battle with an exceptionally rare genetic condition known as Ambras Syndrome or Werewolf Syndrome, characterized by excessive body hair growth.

Back in 2010, Guinness World Records recognized Natty as the world’s hairiest girl due to the thick hair that covered her face, ears, arms, legs, and back. Despite undergoing laser treatments in a bid to curb hair growth, the condition persisted. She now diligently shaves her body to maintain her preferred look.

Natty’s social media posts reflect her newfound happiness, with a touching message to her husband: “You’re not just my first love, you’re the love of my life.” It’s clear that she’s found solace and acceptance in her partner’s embrace.Ambras Syndrome, documented since the Middle Ages, was once misunderstood, and those afflicted were stigmatized as ‘werewolves.’

Today, individuals with the condition still face ostracization in some communities. However, Natty’s journey has been marked by the unwavering support of her family and friends.While she endured teasing and cruel nicknames such as ‘Wolf Girl’ and ‘Chewbacca’ during her school days, her loved ones stood by her side.

Natty’s perspective on her condition is both empowering and inspiring. She shared with Guinness World Records: “I don’t feel any different from anyone else, and I’ve got lots of friends at school… Being hairy makes me special.”

She also mentioned that some people used to tease her and call her ‘monkey face,’ but this changed over time. She has grown accustomed to her condition, saying, “I can’t feel the hair as it has always been like this. I don’t feel anything. It does sometimes make it difficult to see when it gets long. I hope I will be cured one day.”

Natty’s journey from being labeled ‘The World’s Hairiest Girl’ to embracing love and making choices about her appearance showcases the power of self-acceptance and the importance of having a supportive network. Her story serves as a testament to resilience and the ability to redefine beauty on one’s own terms.

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