MSNBC’s Nicholle Wallace should feel shame for what she said about the young kid from Trump’s speech. He had brain cancer and they celebrated his life goals of working with the police during Trump’s speech. Nicholle Wallace used the kid to make a horrific point about Donald Trump. Many people believe this was just crossing the line. She could’ve made her point any other way, but to bring that child into it, and ruin a happy moment for him to serve her own agenda, was just pathetic and disgusting. God bless that kid, who’s name is Devarjay “DJ” Daniel. He was so awesome, and we support him. Collin Rugg reported more on what disgraced Nicholle Wallace said:
JUST IN: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace politicizes young DJ’s moment at Trump’s speech, says she hopes he doesn’t k*ll himself because of something like Jan 6.
Holy sh*t
“I hope he has a long life as a law enforcement officer, but I hope he never has to defend the United States capitol against Donald Trump’s supporters.”
“And if he does, I hope he isn’t one of the six who loses his life to suicide.”