Do You Know How to Use This Odd-Looking Kitchen Tool?

We know that the culinary world has been full of innovative products and gadgets designed to help make life in the kitchen easier. On the other hand, we also know that some of these gadgets look strange or confusing, if not a little intimidating. One such gadget is the egg topper, resembling a pair of spiky pliers or scissors.

Learning about the Past

Closed Egg TopperPhoto Credit: @ThatGamingGuy42 | Reddit

Older generations have a vast amount of knowledge regarding the past. Fortunately, some people value their wisdom enough to have paid attention to their grandparents’ stories while growing up. Or valued time with them enough to help in the kitchen. Either way, when people turn to Reddit for answers, there’s almost always a large support system—a community with a wealth of knowledge. So, when a Reddit user turned to their fellow Redditors for answers regarding an antique object, there were plenty of helpful or comical responses that pointed out the antique object’s purpose.

Finding an Egg Topper

Open Egg Topper Photo Credit: @ThatGamingGuy42 | Reddit

“Sooo… I was walking around at a garage sale and found this thing. I thought it was a cigar clipper or whatever but it’s too big, so I have no idea what it is. Help!” The post explained. ‘That GamingGuy42’ shared a few months back. “Oddly enough its an egg cutter/topper.” responded one user. Others had plenty of jokes.

Most relating to a certain medical procedure often undergone by male infants in certain parts of the world. It turns out that this cool piece of history, the egg topper or cutter, has actually been around for more than 100 years. One of the many useful kitchen items that are intended to make it easy to enhance your cooking skills. Although people have been eating soft-boiled eggs for generations, these vintage egg toppers have been in circulation since as far back as the 1800s.

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