If This Doesn’t Make You Laugh Out Loud, You’ve Missed a Good Opportunity!

Ahh, to be young again. In this video, adults see themselves as babies in their reflections, and an epic dance party ensues. Keep an eye on the baby with the chocolate milk mustache. These guys are all so cute; you will want to join in on the dance.

In this adorable video, adults are walking on a busy street when they suddenly see their ‘inner babies’ in a storefront window reflection. And, as any self-respecting adult-baby would do, they start to dance, of course. The result is comical and very creatively done.

The adult characters interact with their baby selves through dance! This reminds my fellow old-timers and me of the old Charlie Chaplin chestnut where Charlie discovers his “independent” person in the mirror, but I digress.

Back to the video; just as the video comes to a close, a sweet senior citizen is walking her dog, and she happens to notice the ‘magical’ window. Instantly she is transformed into an adorable toddler — and her dog becomes a puppy. This is too cute not to watch and share right now because it will brighten anyone’s day.

So why is Evian using babies to sell its water? Glad you asked; because the answer is something any history buff will appreciate. The brand’s connection with babies goes back to 1935 when the brand was recommended as the best water to give to babies because of its “pH-neutral mineral composition” — as it was marked. Today more mothers give their babies Evian than any other brand of water. Yup. Now you know.

This type of Internet video commercial is about happiness, energy, and sharing! We say ‘sharing’ because this video is one of our most popular ones here on Madly Odd. It has been shared thousands of times because it’s just so cute. So, scroll down, and tell us what you thought of these dancing babies. See what others have to say and share your story, too.

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