Flat-Earther Explains Why Nobody Has Fallen Off The Edge

One of the biggest arguments against our planet being flat instead of round is that no one has ever fallen off the “edge”. One flat earther has finally explained to us why this is so. The answer will definitely make you say “Wait, what?”.

A Flat Earther Explains Why No One Has Ever Fallen Off the Earth’s Edge
At this point in history, we’ve racked up some pretty solid evidence to prove that the Earth is, in fact, round. You can look through a telescope and see that the other planets in our solar system are round. NASA has taken many pictures of Earth from space and astronauts have viewed it with their own eyes.

There are even at-home experiments you can do that show that the Earth is round. Not to mention the biggest flaw is the fact that, as already mentioned, no one has ever fallen off the “edge of the Earth”.

Despite this, there are still a large number of people who believe the Earth is flat.

The Explanation
The argument against the pictures and eye-witness reports of the Earth’s round shape is that NASA, the government, whoever – is lying to us. Reasons as to why vary, mostly they have to do with power, control, and money.

Well-known flat earther Connor Murphy finally came out with an explanation. Why does no one ever fall to their death off the edge of the Earth? ‘There isn’t actually an edge.’

“Fall off into what, do you know what I’m saying? There’s no edge. This is a misconception,” he said. “The way we see it is it’s an enclosed system. There’s water above, there’s the firmament – or the dome – and there’s water above it and water below it and there’s no leaving it, there’s no anti-gravity allowing us to float around and find other Suns and stuff.”

In that same interview he went on to explain that Antarctica is actually the perimeter, and the reason we don’t fall off is because of an ice shelf or cliff. If you get past that, you hit the dome. (1)

What About Planes?
Surely if the Earth is flat, then we would have already flown off of the edge, right? According to flat earther Darren Nesbit, this is because of “the Pac-Man Effect”. (1)

He explains that when a plane reaches the edge of the Earth, it teleports back to the other side, just like when Pac-Man reaches the edge of the screen. I suppose that this is what prevents planes from hitting the dome from the previously mentioned theory, as well?

There are many other flat Earth theories about different aspects of our planet. These include (2):

*Gravity is a lie; the only true force in nature is electromagnetism
*There are other dimensions, lands, and civilizations within the Earth’s planes that we haven’t discovered yet.

Clear As Mud
Humans have been around for a pretty long time now, so my question to flat earthers now is: If you climb over the ice cliff, you will bump into the “dome”, how come no one has done it yet? We have planes, trains, and automobiles. Hundreds of people have hiked seemingly impossible peaks. Wouldn’t someone have tried to look over the “edge” only to bump their head on the dome before?

I don’t know about you, but I’m still waiting for some more compelling evidence.

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