Tim Tebow: “There Is Only One MVP And He Died On A Cross On A Rescue Mission For Humanity”

Former University of Florida Heisman Trophy winning quarterback and Denver Broncos starter Tim Tebow recently accepted the Sports Impact Award at the K-LOVE Fan Awards.

While accepting the award Tebow gave an impassioned speech about caring for the most vulnerable and declaring Jesus Christ the the only MVP.

Tebow began his speech by thanking the crowd and the presenters and then cracking a couple jokes at the presenters expense saying, “Thank you so much. Matthew, let’s just be honest, you’ve never thought about running a marathon. And unfortunately, those shorts you wore proved it.”

He continued, “Guys, it is such an honor to be here especially just around so many legends and inspirations. Just getting to sit with Toby Mack and Chris Tomlin and so many heroes of the faith that I get fortunate to be around.”

While accepting the award Tebow gave an impassioned speech about caring for the most vulnerable and declaring Jesus Christ the the only MVP.

Tebow began his speech by thanking the crowd and the presenters and then cracking a couple jokes at the presenters expense saying, “Thank you so much. Matthew, let’s just be honest, you’ve never thought about running a marathon. And unfortunately, those shorts you wore proved it.”

He continued, “Guys, it is such an honor to be here especially just around so many legends and inspirations. Just getting to sit with Toby Mack and Chris Tomlin and so many heroes of the faith that I get fortunate to be around.”

After thanking K-LOVE, Tebow shared a personal story beginning, “When I was 15-years-old I had the opportunity to meet a boy in the jungles of the Philippines who was born with his feet backwards. And because of that his village viewed him as cursed, as insignificant, as a throwaway. But that day I knew that he wasn’t a throwaway to God and he better not be a throwaway to me. ”

Tebow continued, “And, you know, up until then and even so many times after that in my life, I’ve been chasing — someone that’s been chasing dreams to be the best, to win championships, to win MVPs, to try to be the best. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but ultimately on that day and so many days after, God has opened my eyes to what does it mean if you actually are an MVP, if you do it, to be the most valuable player.

“Because ultimately that day He impacted my heart. That the MVP I should be chasing is the most vulnerable people around the world,” he declared.

The Heisman trophy winner then proclaimed, “Because ultimately, there is only one MVP. And He died on a cross on a rescue mission for humanity. And He has commanded us to go defend the weak, protect the poor, and go after those that are hurting.”

“And let me tell you something, there are a lot of people around the world that are hurting. That means that we have a big job. Let’s go get our job done. God bless you guys,” Tebow concluded.

Back in 2021, Tebow talked about one group of most vulnerable people while giving a speech at the March for Life.

Tebow began his speech by telling the story of his mom’s pro-life story where she chose to give birth to him despite numerous individuals encouraging her to get an abortion.

After recalling the story he said, “I’m so grateful my mom gave me a chance at life, because many times she could have made the choice to do something different. But because of her pro-life story, I now get to share my story. But it’s only because my mom gave me a chance.”

Later in his speech, Tebow declared, “I do believe every single life matters to God. You know who else I believe stood and stands for life? Is our savior, Jesus. You know he said in John, ‘I came to give life and give life abundantly.’”

“See, he had a mission,” Tebow went on. “That mission was a rescue mission for us. That mission was to come down to this earth and go to the cross and defeat death and overcome the world. That was his mission.”

In 2020 at a speech at the Kansans for Life Valentine’s Day banquet , Tebow also declared,” It really does mean a lot more than winning the Super Bowl. One day, when you look back and people are talking about you and they say, ‘Oh my gosh, what are you going to be known for?’ Are you going to say Super Bowl, or we saved a lot of babies?”

He also explained why he describes the work of Kansans for Life as a rescue mission, “You know why we call it a rescue mission? Because when we say that, it puts a timeline on it.”

“When’s the last time you heard a rescue mission taking place in a month or a few years? No, a rescue mission means now,” he elaborated. “It gives you a sense of urgency. It says we have to go not because it’s our time, but because it’s their time. … I have to live a sense of urgency because while I might have time, they don’t.”

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